Monday, July 13, 2009

Take Five and Stay Alive

Take Five and Stay Alive
A Health Tip with Ingo Logé

The economy. The recession. Our jobs. Our family. War. Inflation. Traffic. Those are just some of the things that can cause stress in our daily lives. But have no fear! When the stress-monster attacks, there's something quick and easy you can do to breathe nostril at a time.

As Fitness Forever founder Ingo Logé shares in the accompanying video, "Air is invisible food." And when it comes to fitness and nutrition, Logé definitely knows what he is talking about! As a personal training and nutrition expert with over two dozen years of real-life experience, Logé's client list reads like a "Who's-Who" in the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom. Watch the video to learn Logé's five minute breathing exercise...and then watch your stress melt away!

For more great tips from Ingo Logé, and to learn more about his products and services, visit

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